Opinions worth reading

Egan: Political Class Clowns – “For a Republican Party that has spent the better part of its presidential campaign proving that most of its candidates are not smarter than a fifth grader, the real scandal around frontrunner-of-the-moment Herman Cain is not what he knows. It’s what he doesn’t know…” More.

Bruni: The Invention of Outrage – “IF you’re just catching up on last week’s news, I suggest you sit down. Fast. What you’re about to learn is incredible. Unthinkable. If you drink, grab one. Certain shocks can’t be borne without absorbers. Kim Kardashian is getting divorced…” More

Kristof: His Libraries, 12,000 So Far, Change Lives – “ONE of the legendary triumphs of philanthropy was Andrew Carnegie’s construction of more than 2,500 libraries around the world. It’s renowned as a stimulus to learning that can never be matched — except that, numerically, it has already been surpassed several times over by an American man you’ve probably never heard of. I came here to Vietnam to see John Wood hand out his 10 millionth book..” More