Other disbursements by CMPA – first five months

Community Maritime Park Associates has paid put $70,922 for sitework to Roads, Inc. and another $698,138 for professionals services and misc. expenditures that cover the period Aug-Dec 2009. Here is the breakdown:

Professional Services
Engineering Coordination: $115,000.00
Earthwork Design/Coordination: $82,000.00
Underground Utilities Design: $31,000.00
Paving & Grading: $21,000.00
Festival Appurtenances: $4,000.00
Engineering Services: $4,000.00
Construction Phase Reporting: $10,000.00
Acceleration of Site A: $19,250.00
Total BDI: $286,250.00

Spencer Maxwell Bullock
Architectural Design: $40,175.00

Larry M. Jacobs & Associates
Geo Tech Engineering: $37,606.00

Planning Consultants
EDSA: $73,309.11
Paul A. Work, PE: $5,451.39
Total Planning Consultants $78,760.50

Bryant Miller Oliver: $192,760.84

Inclusion Consultant
Target Group: $5,000.00

Total Professional Services $640,552.34

Misc Costs
Web design
Tracey Dunford, graphic designer $1,200.00

Other advertising
IN $575.00
WEAR $2,110.00
subtotal $2,685.00

FDEP application $400.00

Commercials: 30-sec TV: $720.00
Commercials: Audio clean up: $75.00
Commercials: Maritime Park: $900.00
Commercials: TV & print production: $300.00
Commercials: Video production: $450.00
Print ads: PNJ $1,500.00
subtotal $3,945.00

Brand Narrative and Logo: $3,715.00
Banner: Latino Festival: $125.00
Logo Distribution: $100.00
Posters: Gallery Night: $240.00
Develop Marketing & PR plan and timeline: $2,200.00
subtotal $6,380.00

Public Relations
Public Media Relations & Press notifications: $2,130.00
Public relations general: $975.00
Public Relations on park site: $200.00
Media calls – Fox 10 tour $75.00
Public Relations, media relations, review of affidavits: $700.00
Public Relations: media outreach: $150.00
Public Relations: park site plan strategy: $2,300.00
subtotal $6,530.00

Develop database for survey info of groundbreaking: $1,275.00
Groundbreaking: collect photos, video and edit: $1,250.00
subtotal $2,525.00

Construction Workers
Taking applications – 20+ workers/day: $1,100.00
Taking applications – Dec: $75.00
Workforce development meeting $75.00
Taking applications – Oct: $75.00
Develop database for workers into categories: $950.00
subtotal $2,275.00

Lecture: preparation $250.00
City Council & CMPA meeting coverage $75.00
Development of agenda to stakeholders $175.00
Meetings: posters of site plans $125.00
Prep & organization – CAC Sept. meeting $110.00
subtotal $735.00

Vendors, Leasees
Management of first call for bid $2,520.00
Develop database of interested investors in space $750.00
Vendor/Construction relations $250.00
subtotal $3,520.00

Reports: Demographics, Buxton $225.00
Research site plan $250.00
subtotal $475.00

Fighting petition drive
Petition drive PR and coverage $300.00
Petition drive: meeting with Tim Eagan, media statement $75.00
subtotal $375.00

Photography: park development $675.00
Photography: stock photos $235.00
Photography: stock photos $576.00
subtotal $1,486.00

Liason work of MPDP $250.00
Develop breaking news interactive communication vehicle $950.00
subtotal $1,200.00

Facebook/Twitter daily maintenance $1,250.00
Facebook/Twitter daily maintenance $1,260.00
Facebook/Twitter daily maintenance $1,250.00
Facebook: create & manage $750.00
subtotal $4,510.00

Website design $9,375.00
Website: content & design $2,520.00
Website: content, design research and development $1,500.00
Website: continued content development $1,500.00
Website: regular web updates $475.00
Website: revisions to website $475.00
Website: set up MPDP email $750.00
Website:develop software system for web, event, infrastructure $2,750.00
subtotal $19,345.00

Total paid: BPM $53,301.00

Total Misc: $57,586.00

Total professional & misc. paid – Aug-Dec costs $698,138.34
