Outgoing Council Members Recognized

Prior to swearing in new Pensacola City Council members yesterday, outgoing members were honored. Each was given a framed resolution in recognition of their service on the council.

“This has been a remarkable trip,” said outgoing council president Sam Hall. “Both the highs and the lows of it.”

The city recognized Hall, as well as councilmen John Jerralds and Ronald Townsend. Outgoing councilwoman Maren DeWeese, who was not present yesterday, was recognized at a previous meeting.

All three councilmen thanked members of city staff and the citizens of Pensacola. Each also offered brief remarks following the reading of their respective resolutions.

Jerralds said he had enjoyed his 12 years on the council, and thanked individual staff members, saying they would be “logged into my diary of unforgettable individuals.” The District 5 councilman also urged his fellow council members to “review the charter and know what it means” before offering a few wry words for the attendees to mull over.

“If you want to hear God laugh,” Jerralds said, “ask him what he thinks about the Pledge of Allegiance.”

Townsend said it had been a “complete honor” to serve and spoke about the “complexities of District 7.” He also took issue with the opinion of some that the city council has not had good leadership as of late.

“I take offense to that,” the outgoing vice president said. “We have had tremendous leadership in the time that I have been on this council.”

Townsend exited on a laugh, detailing his relaxing retirement plans.

“I heard somewhere that an old politician just doesn’t die,” he said. “He fades away, sits in a chair and drinks Cognac—that’s what I’m going to do.”
