Outzen Selected for National Children’s Hospital Photo Exhibit

3-20-2015 National Photo Exhibit - Winning Photo
Press Release: A photograph taken by Cat Outzen, director of community outreach and children’s programs for The Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart, has been selected for inclusion in the 2015 Children’s Hospitals Photo Exhibit, a national competition administered by the Children’s Hospital Association. The exhibit, comprised of powerful images of brave patients, supportive families and compassionate healthcare providers, celebrates the commitment of children’s hospitals to the health of all children.

Outzen’s photo depicts one of the hospital’s former neurosurgery patients, Lane Ross, and was one of more than 250 photographs submitted by 57 children’s hospitals across the country. Winning photos were selected by a distinguished panel of judges representing Parents magazine, The Exposure Group, The National Portrait Gallery, American University’s School of Communications and the Children’s Hospitals Today editorial advisory group.

According to the judges, Outzen’s photograph stood out for its all-around excellence, composition and ability to relay what makes children’s hospitals unique.

“At The Children’s Hospital, we provide life-saving care for sick and injured children,” said Outzen. “Every day, we are able to witness miracles. To be able to capture those miracles on photograph is such an honor. These children are truly an inspiration. I hope my photographs can bring to viewers a fraction of the reward these children have given to me and to our healthcare team.”

The Children’s Hospitals Photo Exhibit will be on display in Washington, D.C., to the general public in the foyer of the Rayburn House Building June 15 -16 and in the rotunda of the Russell Senate Building the week of June 22. In addition the exhibit will travel around the country for two years, displaying at children’s hospitals and partnering organizations in support of a wide variety of outreach efforts and events.

To learn more about the exhibit and to view the winning photos, visit www.childrenshospitals.org/Newsroom/Photo-Gallery/2015-Photo-Exhibit

Photo Captions
National Photo Exhibit – Winning Photo: A photograph taken by Cat Outzen, director of community outreach and children’s programs for The Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart, has been selected for inclusion in the 2015 Children’s Hospitals Photo Exhibit, a national competition administered by the Children’s Hospital Association. Outzen’s photo depicts one of the hospital’s former neurosurgery patients, Lane Ross, and was one of more than 250 photographs submitted by 57 children’s hospitals across the country. Winning photos were selected by a distinguished panel of judges representing Parents magazine, The Exposure Group, The National Portrait Gallery, American University’s School of Communications and the Children’s Hospitals Today editorial advisory group.