Rick's Blog

Over 7,600 votes cast today inside city of Pensacola

The three heaviest voting city precincts are #107 Grace Lutheran 716 votes,  #98 Macedonia Baptist Church 620 votes and #46  Trinity Presbyterian Church 612 votes.  District 4 has cast the most votes today.

More votes have been cast in the city than in 2010 or 2014 midterms.


District 1 Today
Precinct Votes Overall
107 716 2327
97 282 1113
998 3440
District 2
106 318 1027
64 401 1473
72 173 534
892 3034
District 3
58 202 701
42 538 1901
30 512 1549
1252 4151
District 4
46 612 1660
40 351 1043
35 538 1312
1501 4015
District 5
98 620 1776
41 522 1407
1142 3183
District 6
90 275 702
31 292 1029
29 329 1040
50 122 337
15 52 404
1070 3512
District 7
14 332 1148
56 356 946
32 134 232
822 2326
Total 7677 23661
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