Mouse crossings cause problems for ECUA

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has designed four mouse crossings on Perdido Key. There aren’t any safe ones for humans, but beach mouses will…

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Hayward drops out of BLAB TV production, but show will go on

From Tamara Fountain, City Communications Administrator: Statement by Mayor Ashton Hayward on BLAB TV show I’m proud of the hard work that the City and…

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Residents show up, speak out at District 3 Town Hall

A couple hundred citizens packed the Brownsville Assembly of God Reception Hall Tuesday night to be heard by their elected officials and community leaders on…

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Hayward’s new television plan would not be allowed under county public access tv policy

On Monday, former Pensacola City Councilwoman Maren Deweese accused Mayor Ashton Hayward of using city dollars to promote his re-election campaign via a weekly television…

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BP tar balls still washing on to Escambia County beaches

On the day after the fourth anniversary of the BP Deepwater Horizon explosion, Florida Department of Environmental Protection collected 439 tar balls on area beaches….

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Rep. Broxson requests Jayer Williamson replace his father on commission

Rep. Doug Broxson (R-Midway), on behalf of the Santa Rosa County Legislative Delegation, has requested Jayer Williamson to be appointed to the Santa Rosa County…

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Two Flood Insurance workshops offered, April 23

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF IFAS) Extension in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties will be hosting two flood insurance workshops…

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U.S. Supreme Court turns down Scott on worker drug testing

By Jim Saunders, The News Service of Florida In a blow to Gov. Rick Scott, the U.S. Supreme Court today said it would not take…

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Buzz: Gov. Scott appears to oppose ‘Charlotte’s Web’ bill

The word out of Tallahassee is Gov. Rick Scott will oppose the bill that would legalize “Charlotte’s Web,’ the strain of marijuana that would help…

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Old Hickory Whiskey Bar hosts ‘Meet Pensacola Mondays.’ Focus on Pensacola Mayor’s race today, 5 pm

Email from Melissa Temsook, Catering Manager, Old Hickory Whiskey Bar: Hi Friends, I just wanted to reach out to you all and let you know…

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Awareness Walk Organizer Apologizes for Traffic Problem

Last Wednesday, the 5 pm traffic on Pensacola Bay Bridge was slowed by a volunteers walking for sexual assault awareness. The organizer sent this email…

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Vietnam & Legacy Vets Motorcycle Club announces 19th annual Memorial Day Ride

This is an escorted ride of remembrance for our fallen members of the Armed Forces who have secured our Freedoms with the ultimate sacrifice The…

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