INYR: Interview with T.D. Allman

Yesterday, I interviewed award-winning journalist and author T.D. Allman. He is touring Northwest Florida to promote his newest book,”Finding Florida: The True History of the…

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PNJ ready to implement Project Butterfly

Pensacola News Journal readers will soon find USA Today inserts in their daily newspaper, according to sources inside the Romana Street offices. Gannett, who owns…

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INYR: Decouple greyhound racing from other gaming

Today I interviewed Christine Dorchak, President and General Counsel for GREY2K USA Worldwide, on her organization’s efforts to abolish greyhound racing in Florida. Listen to…

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League president speaks on voucher expansion

Deirdre Macnabb, state president of the League of Women Voters of Florida, came on IN Your Head Radio yesterday to talks Speaker Will Weatherford’s proposal…

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Hmmm, City consultant now works with OHM Concession Group

During the debate over who would be awarded the food concessions contract at the Pensacola International Airport, Creative Food Group (Varona’s, Bagelheads, Fish House and…

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Merrill appointed by Gov. Scott to RESTORE board

Governor Rick Scott announced yesterday six appointments to the Gulf Consortium. The one most familiar to Pensacola is Collier Merrill, president of the Merrill Land…

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Viewpoint: Who is the bad partner

By Wayne Daltry The Florida Legislature is discussing whether to use political might to seize control of the management of Lake Okeechobee, and water reservoirs,from…

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PYP Summer Internship program seeking employers

In an effort to attract and retain young talent in Greater Pensacola, the Pensacola Young Professionals (PYP), the Greater Pensacola Chamber and the University of…

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Tourism update for Jan 2014

The board of Visit Pensacola meets today. According to its agenda packet, Pensacon generated 672 room nights with a value of $2.475 million. Here are…

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Inside Warrington Middle School ‘revival’ meeting

Yesterday Superintendent of Schools Malcolm Thomas and County Commissioner Gene Valentino held a town hall meeting to reportedly come up with solutions to revive Warrington…

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Lionfish video – off of Pensacola Beach, taken Feb. 18

Clint Retherford, Dive Commander for Escambia Search & Rescue, sent me the following video with this note: We spoke briefly on your radio show a…

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State Capital Briefs, Feb. 24

‘MORAL MONDAY’ TO CALL FOR CHANGE AT THE CAPITOL On the eve of the 2014 legislative session, civil-rights and labor groups will hold an event…

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