Elebash bashes Roger MacDonald

On Gulf1: retired UWF professor CC Elebash delivers the party line on the Vince Whibbs, Sr., Community Maritime Park: “Money Magazine’s 2006 list of “100…

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Best of Rick’s Blog: Better Save Our City

The beginning of a movement to take back the City:Better Save Our City (SC). The early members: Richard Hawkins joins BSOC;BSOC adds second UWF professor….now…

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Best of Rick’s Blog: Baseball

We challenged Stop Our City to really investigate downtown minor league baseball parks (Challenge to Save Our City). They hit me with an old Brookings…

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Best of Rick’s Blog

TV networks run marathons of their favorite shows. Well we’re going to the same here. For the next two days we’ll highlight some of our…

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Washington Buzz – week ending 9/1/06

From Slate.com: Zeitgeist Checklist What Washington is talking about this week. By Dana Milbank Posted Saturday, Sept. 2, 2006, at 8:18 AM ET Sadr But…

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Marty’s wife feels SOC is the victim

Helene Donovan wrote a viewpoint in the PNJ today (Viewpoint: Maritime park proponents fail in uniting community). She blames the Communty Maritime Park group for…

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Does Marty have a memory loss problem?

According to the PNJ article Office dismisses park plan complaint that covers the State Attorney dismissing Tom Garner’s complaint, Marty Donovan told the state attorney’s…

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Top August Posts – 100,392 visitors

You can see how popular the blog has become in the past two weeks by how highly ranked the later posts are. However, the top…

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Hot, Hot, Hot – 9/1/06

We hit an record – 8,862 unique visitors. Thanks, Uncle Marty. “Call me” Donovan joins Luke McCoy today SOC Nichols hates Studer…has her facts SOC…

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Marty says you can’t believe the IN

Here are a few of the stories we’ve written – you decide if we’re worthy of your trust: We predicted Bill Eddins would the new…

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Jeff Dee-Weasel nails Marty on lie during WCOA

Jeff Deweese – Codename Dee-Weasel (Stop Our City Blab Show #1 – review)- called Marty Donovan out on WCOA today. He point blank asked him…

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Another theme song for Marty “Call me” Donvan

[youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=_UYctJFENu4] “Mr Telephone Man” – New Edition

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