Barricades Removed from Occupy’s Corner

The barricades encircling the corner sidewalk of Government and Spring streets – the Occupy Pensacola corner -have been removed. Occupiers are now being allowed to…

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The Hurricane Isaac winds blowing through the area have apparently swept away the Occupy Pensacola encampment at Pensacola City Hall. The camp is now gone,…

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United Way Gulf Coast Disaster Fund activated

Gulfport, MS – August 29th, 2012- In response to the impact of Hurricane Isaac, United Ways of the Gulf Coast have activated the United Way…

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EOCs shutdown today

Escambia County has closed its Emergency Operations Center. Santa Rosa County will do it at 10 a.m.  We are still under a Tropical Storm Warning…

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Question for the day

When do news crews cross the line from keeping viewers informed about Isaac to just scaring the crap out of people? Just left my 82…

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New models have Isaac landing west of Mississippi River

Isaac is still a tropical storm and landfill is Wednesday morning. Jim Cantore is in New Orleans  and is talking about tons of rain hitting…

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Pensacola Chamber closed on Tuesday

Due to Tropical Storm Isaac, the Greater Pensacola Chamber and Visit Pensacola will be closed on Tuesday. The Chamber and Visit Pensacola will be staffing…

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Praying for a Better Day

A group of local ministers gathered today to make a statement regarding the recent string of shootings in the Pensacola area. The First West Florida…

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Ministers To Speak Out Against Gun Violence

Press Release: The Moderator of the First West Florida Baptist District Association, along with the President of the Baptist Minister’s Union of Pensacola and Vicinity,…

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Isaac tracking towards New Orleans

Isaac has moved into the Gulf of Mexico and Northeast Florida is on the outer edge of the “cone of uncertainty.” Hurricane veterans will tell…

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Former Pensacola busboy honored for military service

The Orlando Sentinel reported John Steele, former Pensacola busboy who enlisted in the marines as teenager in 1945, receive one of the nation’s highest civilian…

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Roger Scott open on Monday

GPLTL has officially cancelled all matches Monday and Tuesday. If captains agree, those teams can still play (weather permitting). Roger Scott will be open Monday….

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