Cover story gets attention

My phone has been ringing and we’ve received dozens of emails on the Feb. 23 cover “Black & White.” Much of their focus has been…

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Video: Paul calls Santorm a fake

Ron Paul stood by a campaign ad that calls Rick Santorum a fake, in the most recent Republican presidential debate Wednesday. Source: CBS

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National Study shows alarming increase of children living poverty

The number of children living in poor neighborhoods has increased dramatically during the last decade in Florida and elsewhere, according to a new report, set…

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County will host meetings on Beach Master Plan alternatives

Escambia County will host two public information meetings in early March for the Pensacola Beach Master Plan alternatives.  The meetings will begin with a presentation…

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Good Report Card for ECARE

ECARE is making progress in its quest to prepare children for kindergarten. One promise ECARE made was to provide tutors for children in pre-k classes…

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Blackwater Oil Bill Killed

A state bill aiming to entice oil companies onto state land has apparently stalled out in a senate committee this morning. The senate’s Environmental Preservation…

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Coalition asks for end of religion bashing in politics

A diverse coalition of major national religious organizations today issued an “Interfaith Statement of Principles,” calling on the presidential candidates and all candidates for public…

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Florida lawmakers and Dems tweeting Legislative immunity dead

“@RepMarkPafford: Legislative Immunity dead in House! Rep. Steinberg’s committee debate likely helped pull the plug. RIP HB 7123” “@MaryEllenKlas: Citing politics, House leaders back off…

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Gaetz opposes bill on lawmakers’ testimony exclusions

Memo from State Sen. Don Gaetz: TO: All Senators FROM: Don Gaetz, Senate District 4 DATE: February 20, 2012 Dear Colleague, Last week the House…

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Clearwire leaves Milton for Escambia County

It’s a first. A Santa Rosa County business leaves and moves to Escambia County…though I’m not sure the payroll is equivalent to that of Avalex…

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Fat Tuesday

Last chance to party before Lent. Pensacola Mardi Gras Inc., has made a change of plans for the Fat Tuesday street party in downtown…

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Not what he meant…. exactly…

On CBS’s “Face the Nation” Rick Santorum says No – he was not questioning the President’s religious faith – but, he does question his world…

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