Bay bridge not expected close

Latest Press Release: **Tropical Storm IDA – Lengthening Windy Period** The most current forecasts call for IDA to make land fall in Mobile county, AL….

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Child Sex Tourism case has local link

Pensacola man, who worked at NAS Pensacola, was sentenced on Friday to 6.5 years for taking trips to Thailand for sex with young boys. Mitchell…

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Analysis of City Manager/City Council system

I want this post and comment thread to be on the current Pensacola government, not the proposed charter, not strong mayor. No personal attacks or…

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Better Pensacola pledges open books

This week No Boss Mayor PAC challenged the Better Pensacola PAC to release their financial report for the first campaign reporting period. Jeff DeWeese, Better…

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Fairchild – biggest supporter of No Boss Mayor

The No Boss Mayor PAC has released a draft of its campaign finance report for October. Charlie Fairchild has loaned the PAC $3,000 of the…

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Anti-charter tones down Fear & Smear campaign

The No Boss Mayor group has reduced its message down from six to four points and toned down the language. They have combined these two…

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Two ironies

1. The anti-charter people tell us we should leave government to the city staff. The anti-park people tell us we can’t trust the financing plan…

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New Market Tax Credits – quick look

The use of New Market Tax Credits (NMTC) for the Community Maritime Park and particularly the maritime museum has yet to be decided. Here is…

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What is the CMP bond plan?

The bond financing plan recommended by staff and approved by the council uses New Market Tax Credits which will allow UWF to get $12,256,785 for…

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BTW: Al Coby does his job out of the Sunshine

Yesterday, Pensacola City Manager Al Coby did his job as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the city without a reporter sitting in his office….

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New Agruments from Fairchild PAC

These are the latest arguments by the No Boss Mayor PAC against the proposed charter: 1. Only the mayor will have the executive power to…

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SAO report on TEAM Santa Rosa challenged

October 19, 2009 Bill Eddins State Attorney First Judicial Court of Florida 190 Governmental Center Pensacola, FL 32501 Mr. Eddins, I have read the report…

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