Economic Development update

From Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce: # $2,000,000 – We received confirmation late last night from the US Economic Development Administration that we have…

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Chamber behind Mobile success

Commissioner Gene Valentino and his PR person, Jane Birdwell, make much of the Mobile success story. Mobile outshines Pensacola in the economic development arena. I…

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IN investigation of the Airport Hotel deal

The two primary negotiators of the Airport Hotel Lease are gone – Frank Miller and Robert Payne. In December 2008, IN paid $187.16 to get…

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McCollum speech on violence in the black community

Attorney General Bill McCollum spoke today at the National Conference on Preventing Crime in the Black Community that is being held in Jacksonville. Last year’s…

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What happened on November 17, 2008?

I have reviewed the actual video of the Enterprise Operations for Nov. 17. Jack Nobles is the chairman. Robert Payne, then asst. City manager, is…

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Where’s the beef?

That’s the question that I and others had after Commissioner Gene Valentino’s prerecorded presentation and the follow-up Q&A on Tuesday, May 19. The only change…

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Show begins at 4pm

Today’s Joint meeting of the commission and council event will be a highly orchestrated event. BPM Marketing – who designed the Chamber’s magnet campaign, but…

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Summary of EDCs named by Valentino

Both the Chamber and Commissioner Valentino are proposing economic development be done by a private non-profit corporation. A big question is how the board will…

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Other cities mentioned by Valentino

In reviewing my notes from the Thursday, May 14 meeting with Commissioner Gene Valentino and County Administrator Bob McLaughlin, the Commissioner mentioned several other cities…

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Mobile County

The Mobile County website is one of the least informative. It lists accomplishments but has little about structure (See). I did go through the county…

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Greater Houston Partnership

Another city in the Valentino presentation-Houston, Texas Greater Houston Partnership Form: Private Sector/Chamber Funding: Private sector Board of Directors The Greater Houston Partnership is governed…

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Jacksonville Economic Development Commission

Jacksonville is one of the cities listed in Valentino’s presentation as a success story. Here is its structure: Jacksonville Economic Development Commission – JEDC Form:…

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