Special Session has limits

Next week, the Florida Legislature will hold a special session to deal with the state budget crisis. There are some limits placed on the session…

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Year in Review 2007

In 2007 we covered volunteer firefighters, human trafficking, Pensacola’s lynchings and government salaries among other issues. 1. “Burning Down the House,” April 5 2. “Shauna’s…

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Save Our City founder Charles Fairchild is back and is appears to be once again out to derail the Community Maritime Park. His new group…

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Council breaks own rules

The Pensacola City Council may have broken its own rules and procedures when it tried to reconsider the amendment to the Pate Cold Storage lease….

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Sansom BFF with new boss

The Miami Herald reports that Florida House Speaker Ray Sansom took direction from his new boss, Northwest Florida State College president Bob Richburg. Sansom’s mission…

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Economic Development update

From the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce: * “Project Deep Blue” Site Visit – The Chamber hosted a manufacturer last week that is considering…

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Bailout bonus babies

AP has reviewed the compensation for the executives of the banks and financial institutions that our tax dollars bailed out. Banks that are getting taxpayer…

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Sansom not only lawmaker on the take

The St. Pete Times has found 18 other current and former lawmakers that are employed by state colleges…none of them are from our three districts….

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Scarborough gets radio show

Conservative radio can’t wait for the Obama administration. Of course, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity can’t wait, but others are waiting in the wings. Morning…

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Van Galen gets Wisc. chancellorship

UWF Vice President for Advancement has been recommended to be the next Chancellor for University of Wisconsin, River Falls. Read news-uwrf-chancellor-recommendation

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Don Gaetz: Real power

State Sen. Don Gaetz has been appointed by Senate President Jeff Atwater to head the Senate Select Committee on Florida’s Economy. According to Atwater: “The…

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How will state lawmakers serve us?

Our state representatives, Greg Evers, Dave Murzin and Clay Ford, have been given their committee and council assignments. We have two chairmanships: Evers votes on…

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