Bergosh saga

The News Journal is getting beat up on its website over the Jeff Bergosh/Godzilla story. There are three issues here: Should those who post to…

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No, Freddie, no

Yesterday, GOP presidential hopeful Fred Thompson told Iowa voters that Iraq did indeed have Weapons of Mass Destruction prior to the U.S. invasion. The Des…

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Is GOP ignoring minority vote?

Last Thursday, Tavis Smiley moderated a Republican presidential forum on PBS, where candidates — for the first time — answered questions from “a panel exclusively…

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Studer is crazy

If you really look at the commitments Quint Studer has made to make the Vince Whibbs, Sr. Community Maritime Park successful, you can only draw…

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Who is Will Waspo?

On – Studer-hater posted this diatribe about the park and Studer: Nobody attends the games now at the Pelicant’s home at swampy UWF. This…

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Park plan draws fire on

Here are some of the inane comments on the on the Community Maritime Park plans From someone identified as gfri: I might consider voting…

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Attacking Studer

A favorite pastime for posters on – and even on this blog at times – is to blame Quint Studer for everything. We saw…

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Coulter not taken seriously

Columnist Mark Bowden writes: Coulter herself is not taken seriously by serious people, so her attacks are a little bit like being pelted by cotton…

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Human trafficking reported again

On June 7, the IN reported on human trafficking in Northwest Florida (Shauna’s Story of Slavery ). At the time the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office…

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Strand: new hero of the do-nothings

The daily newspaper had a profile on Gregg Strand, the veterinarian, (Man wasn’t out to change state ). Strand is the president of the Escambia…

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Lured by ‘right ingredients’

Herald Tribune reports that Neiman Marcus will be coming to Sarasota (Lured by ‘right ingredients’ ) An affluent and growing population, combined with a strong…

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Times they are a changin

I have new respect for Escambia County Commissioners Marie Young and Kevin White. They outmaneuvered fellow Commissioner Mike Whitehead and won the day. At the…

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