PNJ misses FEMA clarifications

Both Santa Rosa & Escambia counties issued clarifications on FEMA reimbursements. The PNJ story has misleading headlines based on the original press release by Sen….

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Palm Beach County gets it

Some counties are being pro-active and not waiting for the State Legislature to make up its mind on property taxes. From Sun-Sentinel Palm Beach County…

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County Con Game

Escambia County government would like you to believe that they wisely used the 2006/07 revenue increase for additional services and capital projects. They have a…

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War backers want Sheehan land

According to AP: Days after Cindy Sheehan said she was stepping down as the face of the anti-war movement, an organization that supports the U.S….

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INweekly updates

FriDaily Dose PNJ covers more arrests and trials; Daily News has the Boeing Championship; News Herald (PC) has upset Vets; Mobile Press has funeral home…

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Richardson self-destructs on TV

On the Democratic side, N.M. Governor Bill Richardson recently entered the presidential race. He has been my darkhorse favorite to win his party’s nomination. However,…

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Law & Order’s Fred Thompson forms committee

Former Tenn. Senator – and actor – Fred Thompson has formed a “testing the waters” committee to examine whether he should run for the Republican…

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WSJ: Worldwide income inequality

The Wall St. Journal has analyzed incomes in U.S. and worldwide. The gap in the US between top 10% of earners and the rest of…

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Cindy Sheehan resigns

Sheehan is the mother of Casey Sheehan who died fighting in Iraq. She has been an outspoken critic of the Iraq War and got attention…

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Maritime Museum Plans

Here pdfs of presentation made on the Adm. John H. Fetterman State of Florida Maritime Museum and Research Center: Maritime Museum Site Plan Maritime Museum…

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Daily news summary

We pick the main stories for you from PNJ, FWB Daily News and Mobile Press Register: FriDailyDose What’s happening in the mainstream media?

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Report: CMPA meeting and budget vetoes

From IN editor Duwayne Escobedo: Lacey Collier on Gov. Charlie Crist veto of $2.5 million for environmental cleanup of Community Maritime Park: “I’m going to…

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