Rick's Blog

Pam Childers vs. Lumon May

Escambia County Clerk Pam Childers has sent a demand letter to County Commissioner Lumon May with an invoice for $4,253.74.

She wrote: “My office will not tolerate fraud, waste, corruption, and abuse. Therefore, payment must be made by you for this improper use of government labor and resources.”

Her explanation: “Based on an anonymous complaint from a citizen, my internal audit director discovered the land clearing and cleanup occurred on your property at 1624 Young Street. Public records indicate that the work occurred on Saturday, November 4th, 2023 and Monday, November 6th, 2023 by County Road employees. Public records obtained by my office also reflect county employees and jail inmates were used to complete the work on your property.”

I called Commissioner May. He said that work orders attached to the invoice are records falsified by one or more county employees. He voluntarily testified before a grand jury, which returned a “No True Bill” – meaning no crime was committed by the commissioner.

He referred me to his attorney Eric Stevenson. I met with Stevenson yesterday, and he will be my guest on WCOA this morning at 7 a.m. Stay tuned.


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