Panhandle prefers Rubio

According to the latest Listener Group poll:
Marco Rubio and Republican newcomer and governor candidate Rick Scott are the two leaders in a survey recently taken with 860 voters with a 100% voting record since the year 2000. Those surveyed reside in Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Washington, Holmes and Bay counties.

In an Interactive Survey, Rubio gathered 44.8% of the vote in a four-man race leaving Governor Charlie Crist with 26.3%, Kendrick Meeks with 5.4% and Jeff Greene with 4.5% of the decided votes. There were still 19% undecided.

Florida Governor’s Race
Newcomer Rick Scott (R) is currently leading Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum (R) and Florida Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink (D) with 30.6% of the vote. McCollum follows with 23.4% and Sink with only 16.2% of those polled. Scott has blanketed the area with TV spots since entering the race.

The rest of the state isn’t nearly as fixated on Fox News wunderkind Rubio. A poll by St. Pete Times and Miami Herald has Crist with a slight lead:

Of the registered voters surveyed, 30 percent were for Crist, 27 percent for Republican Marco Rubio and 15 percent for Democratic front-runner Kendrick Meek.

The race remains volatile: Crist’s lead over Rubio is within the poll’s four-percentage-point margin of error, and nearly one out of four voters are undecided.

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