Rick's Blog

Papa Gaetz has a challenger

Lisa Newell

Don Gaetz will face a challenger in the race to fill State Sen. Doug Broxson’s seat this fall. Lisa Newell, the owner and publisher of Gulf Breeze News and Splash Magazine, has stepped up where no other Democrat would, hoping to make a difference in Senate District 1’s political landscape.

“Typically, in Northwest Florida, there are no options other than Republicans for the races because this area is what is known as ‘reliably red,’” Newell said. “The problem with this method is that voters are told who will represent them in this election, and in the next and the one after that. In many races, there is no debate, no need to campaign.”

She continued, “Candidates can just put their name on a ballot and take their seat as the county officer, state representative or state senator. Then, you can put your son on the ballot for a seat in the same district.”

Newel’s opponent was elected to the Florida Senate in 2006, and his son Matt was elected to the Florida House in 2010. When the father was terming out of office in 2016, the son initially pre-filed to run for his father’s seat but shifted to the congressional race after Rep. Jeff Miller announced his retirement. Matt Gaetz has represented this district in Congress since 2017 and is up for reelection.

The Gulf Breeze resident said several issues motivated her to run, including limiting women’s healthcare options, sky-high insurance rates, the lowest-paid teachers in the U.S., and the complete denial of climate change.

In her announcement, Newell claimed the reports show Don Gaetz doesn’t live in the district and contrasted his finances with hers.

Newell asked voters, “I hope you will join me in my quest and reach out to let me know how we can put the Florida senate back to work for its residents. After all, we, the voters, are the boss.”

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