Park plan draws fire on

Here are some of the inane comments on the on the Community Maritime Park plans

From someone identified as gfri:

I might consider voting for this project if the retail shops, museum, and other aspects of the project were given priority on the building schedule.
In other words, put Studer stadium and uwf into phase 2, because there won’t be any funds left to build Phase 2. This is a Deception …….They only are interested in getting the baseball stadium built at taxpayer’s expense.

From tree

I think these people are putting the horse in front of the cart,but they will find this out the hard way.Why is a stadium so important,no one will attend the games.It’s too hot to sit outside in the middle of summer and watch baseball.

The Multi-use stadium (folks, if you check out Latest park renderings, you see it is truly multi-use) is what makes the retail shops viable. It will attract people to the area. Ask a shop owner – would want to open your business or restaurant before the stadium is built or after – they will tell that they would rather wait until after the stadium is built – that’s what will attract their customers. Think, people. Quit letting your envy and irrational hatred for Studer blind you from solid business decisions.

From Vince123

It looks like a great place for a storm surge to destroy a multi-million dollar dream,as it did the city hall. The city council cannot afford the port,with good jobs,but can waste mega millions on this pie in the sky dream,GET REAL PENSACOLA.

The foundations of the buildings on CMP will be built 13 ft. above sea level. For a point of reference, Main Street and the ECUA sewage plant are at 3-4 ft. Experts looked the CMP property after Hurricane Ivan, they estimate the storm surge was about 11 ft. on the property. Doesn’t mean that we won’t get a bigger storm than Ivan some day, but the issue isn’t as big as the naysayers would like us all to believe.

It’s time we once again counter the lies and misrepresentations of the do-nothings with the facts.