Pastor Wesley speaks in favor of Superintendent Smith

Today, the Escambia County School Board will decide whether the board should begin discussion of terminating the contract of School Superintendent Tim Smith, who has two years remaining on his contract.

Board member Paul Fetsko, who faces a run-off in November, has proposed the item. Fellow board member Kevin Adams has been sending a photo of the item to friends, asking them to promote it on Facebook.

Greater Little Rock Baptist Church pastor Lonnie Wesley supports Dr. Smith. He sent us this message:

“With just the possibility of relieving Dr. Smith of his duties as Escambia County School District Superintendent, a lot of questions abound. Not the least of which is, “Why now?” Why do this now? Why even bring this up now? It’s not like our schools (administrators, faculty, staff and, most of all, our children) don’t already have enough to deal with. So, why bring this up now? Why stir this pot right now…in September…after the first month of a new school year?

“It also begs the question, “Is this for someone specific to be put in that seat?” One may think that after COVID-shorten years, Dr. Smith would be given the chance to at least work out his initial contract.

“Surely, whatever has transpired outside of the knowledge of the general public can be worked out at the table, right?

“Dr. Smith inherited a school district with a lot of problems. Unfortunately, it took a lot of years to get us where we are now. Let’s pray that wisdom will reign as we remember that what took a long time to get into cannot be fixed overnight. Or, over a year-and-a-half.”