Patrick Gonzalez sentenced to death

It took five minutes for Judge Nicholas Geeker to sentence Leonard Patrick Gonzalez, Jr. to death for the murders of Byrd and Melanie Billings and an additional 10 minutes to read his findings in regard to the aggravating and mitigating circumstances that led to the Judge’s decision on the sentence. By 1:45 p.m. Gonzalez was led out of the courtroom having had the sentence pronounced and imposed.

The aggravating circumstances that supported the death penalty were:

1. The murders were committed during the commission of a robbery of July 9, 2009 of the Billings’s residence. According to Judge Geeker, the avowed purpose of the home invasion was to rob the home safe which the robbers believed had a substantial quantity of money.
2. The couple were killed by Gonzalez.
3. The murders were heinous, atrocious and cruel. The couple were terrified for both their safety and that of the nine children in the home. They knew their lives were in jeopardy. Byrd Billings was shot in each leg and dragged into the master bedroom. He was shot in the side of the face, which wasn’t fatal, and then shot fatally twice in the cranium. Melanie Billings witnessed these shootings and was shot first in the head and then twice in the chest. Her death was more instantaneous.
4. Gonzalez was more than accomplice and was proven to be the ringleader of the crime. He directed the others. He was not under any mental duress or dominated by others.

“The death sentence is not disproportionate given his role in the crimes,” said Judge Geeker.

These factors outweighed the mitigating factors:
1. Community service with children.
2. Good father and good with those children he taught.
3. Though he came from a broken home, he didn’t have a deprived childhood.

After the court was adjourned, Ashley Billings Markham gave a brief statement to the media. Thanking the community for its continued support and prayers, the daughter of Byrd and Melanie Billings said, “Justice has been served. There have been long days, but we now have a little more hope to face the days ahead.”

Before leaving the media room, Markham hugged State Attorney Bill Eddins, thanking him for his efforts.
