Pensacola Chamber holds annual meeting


Press Release: The Greater Pensacola Chamber of Commerce celebrated its 134th Annual Meeting at Sanders Beach Resource Center on Wednesday, September 18th. The meeting featured updates on three key areas that the Chamber has focused on over the past year. The Chamber also announced their annual award winners.

Ildi Hosman provided an update on the progress of the Workforce Development Committee and the collaboration with CareerSource Escarosa to address workforce challenges. Lloyd Reshard highlighted the efforts of the Innovation and Entrepreneurial Committee with an emphasis on connecting the startup community through events and resources. Rick Byars shared the work from the Economic Development Committee, focusing on the work of the Business Alliance and the importance of the business community having a voice in economic development.

David Deliman, Chairman of the Greater Pensacola Chamber Board of Directors stated, “The Chamber is proud of the work we are doing on behalf of over 1125 members in the Greater Pensacola area. From advocating for business-friendly public policy and supporting our local military to developing a stronger workforce, the Chamber strives to make the Pensacola area an even better place to do business, live, and play.”

The Chamber honored annual award winners as well. The following awards were given out at Wednesday’s Annual Meeting:

Small Business of the Year: Torgersen Causey Insurance
Non-Profit of the Year: ReadyKids!
Board Member of the Year: Rick Byars
Ambassador of the Year: NeRissa Bates
