Pensacola City Council agenda has 49 items

council cow
The Pensacola City Council may have set a record for its March 9 Agenda Review. It has 49 items. The agenda packet is 1,032 pages. They will be voting on contracts and expenditures totaling more than $5.6 million.

Council President Andy Terhaar is proposing four hires for the council’s staff. He recommends former City Manager Al Coby to be the council executive, Rusty Wells as council attorney, Elaine Majors as the executive assistant and Sonja Gaines as the administrative officer.

Coby retired from the city in 2011 when Mayor Hayward hired Bill Reynolds as city administrator. Majors has been the council’s executive assistant since 2011. Well retired as city attorney in 2011 and was brought back to be liaison for the council when the mayor fired the council’s executive last summer. Gaines already works for the city.

Mayor Hayward has a placeholder item near the end of the agenda for the council to approve his choice for city attorney. He does not state who that selection will be – only that he will have the selection made by March 12 – day of the March regular meeting.

The panhandling, homeless ordinances and the human services task force’s report are on the agenda. Also food trucks are up for discussion.

In October, the mayor announced that he wanted a lobbyist registry. He has added it to this agenda, too.

Manna Food Pantries’ request for an exception to build a 20,000 sq. ft. warehouse on Hayne Street did not make the agenda, even though it was approved by the planning board in January.

See March 9 Agenda.