Pensacola club pro on LPGA tour

Allison Fouch, who has been a teaching pro at the Pensacola Country Club, tied for 23rd in at the LPGA event in Morelia, Mexico, over the weekend. It was a third consecutive tournament in which she made the 36-hole cut and cashed. This time it was for $12,350. Allison Fouch of East Grand Rapids will play this week in the Ginn Open in Reunion, Fla.

The Grand Rapid Press is covering her: Following Fouch: A week on the LPGA Tour

Update from a reader: I enjoy reading your blog. I thought I’d drop you a quick note regarding your article on Allison Fouch. I’m fairly certain she has never been a teaching pro at PCC. The linked article is correct, she has long been coached by Buddy Whitten who is now a teaching pro at PCC. I’m not sure if Ms. Fouch has ever even been to PCC, as she has been playing a full circuit since graduating from Michigan State. The headline and opening sentence is misleading, but I still wish her the best.
