Rick's Blog

Pensacola Committee of the Whole could be fun

The Pensacola City Council holds its Committee of the Whole this afternoon. The agenda is filled with items that will fun to watch.

CMPA Board of Trustees: CMPA board recommended reappointing all four members: Collier Merrill, Dick Baker, Juanita Scott and Megan Pratt. The recommendation didn’t have enough votes at the last regular meeting and was tabled until today. The most likely target for to be voted off the CMPA Tribal Council is Dick Baker, campaign supporter of Mike Wiggins.

BP Legal Counsel: Staff has been meeting with the Levin firm and is recommending them to handle the city’s BP claims on a contingency basis. The Levin firm supported Ashton Hayward. Wiggins and Diane Mack rarely vote against a staff recommendation. Will they this time?

Compensation for Council President: There are those on the council that want to make this position – which is essentially the chair of the meetings – a power spot. Will the council vote to pay the chair more that the other members? The decision has to be made this month.

New Council: Other decisions are will the city council have its own staff, how will agendas be decided and other fundamentals. Will the council try to limit the power of the strong mayor?

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