Pensacola Mayor sets new record for outside legal fees

Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward broke his record for outside legal fees topping $1.46 million in FY 2017.

2014  $1,451,388
2015  $1,185,192
2016  $1,428,814
2017  $1,469,685

The FY 2017 would have been even higher but the city held off paying over $45K in legal invoices until October. The new fiscal year began Oct. 1.



4 thoughts on “Pensacola Mayor sets new record for outside legal fees

  1. Sorry for the bad Voice recognition. The mayor has a history of Hiring unqualified yes men that don’t know the law or thier jobs. Also the city attorney needs to be sued for legal malpractice. Her very poor legal advice has cost the city millions.

  2. Poor governance skills is the reason why. Also, Mayo has a history of highly unqualified people consistently make that judgment. The biggest reason is the mayor has hired a highly skilled city attorney garage. Poor little advice p

  3. I would like to know why. What is the reason and was it Justified. Was it because people who didn’t like him. We’re suing just to distract him. I do not know the answer to these questions. Need more information.

  4. What could that $6 million have bought the City? A Pelican Drop? Mowed parks? Improved west side? Burgess Road sidewalks? Or, all of the above. Rick – what’s his total legal bill since being sworn in January 2011? This mayor will cost the city over $10 million dollars in legal fees in 8 years. I bet the city didn’t spend that much in the 20 years prior under the council/manager form of government. The old saying is you get what you pay for. The question is what did the city pay for, what did you get, and most importantly, why?

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