Pensacola misses most literate list

No surprise here. Central Connecticut State University compiles the list. A total score is tallied for each city across six different literacy categories: Booksellers; Educational attainment; Internet Resources; Library Resources; Newspaper Circulation; and Periodical publications. All categories were compared against the city’s total population.

Here’s the list of the top 10

  1. Seattle, WA
  2. Minneapolis, MN
  3. Atlanta, GA
  4. Washington, DC
  5. St. Paul, MN
  6. Pittsburgh, PA
  7. Cincinnati, OH
  8. Denver, CO
  9. San Francisco, CA
  10. Portland, OR
To be fair, the list is only of cities with populations of 250,000 or more. However, if we consolidated all of Escambia County into the City of Pensacola, we wouldn’t make the list.
