Pensacola violence escalates. When will it get its own mayoral press conference?

Probably not the greatest photo op for the mayor. These types of press releases from Pensacola Police Department have become commonplace:

Christmas Night Shooting
Pensacola Police are investigating two shootings that occurred tonight on North J Street. Sgt. Kristin Brown said one man was shot in the hand and foot and another in the stomach during the incident, which occurred around 9:55 p.m. inside a residence in the 1300 block of North J Street. Both males are being treated in a local hospital. A motive for the shootings is not yet known. Additional information will be released when it becomes available.

Christmas Eve Home Invasion/kidnapping
Pensacola Police are investigating a reported home invasion/kidnapping that occurred around 2:45 a.m. today on North J Street. A 36-year-old woman told police she was sleeping in bed when four to five unknown males entered her apartment.

The woman, who was awakened by people yelling, said all of the men were wearing dark clothes and were holding guns. One of the men was pointing a gun in her face when she awoke. The woman and four of her children – ranging in age from four to 10 – were ordered into the living room at gunpoint. She said she saw her 32-year-old boyfriend was tied up, lying on the living room floor and bleeding.

The woman told police the men ransacked the apartment, took some items – including her car keys – and then carried her boyfriend, who had duct tape over his mouth, out to her car where they put him into the trunk and drove off with the car.

The vehicle was later found submerged in a local body of water but the victim was not found in the trunk. Although a motive for the home invasion/kidnapping remains under investigation, it is believed to have been drug related.

Anyone having information on the incident is asked to contact the Pensacola Police Department at 435 – 1900

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