PHS Tapes – Episode Two: The Cash Crunch

The second episode of the Pensacola Humane Society board members meeting with staff and volunteers in hopes of clearing the air. It’s chaotic but informative.

Board member Hank Gonzalez insists, “We are very financially sound. But when we were made aware that we had a cash crunch, the board decided that instead of selling securities that we have for a rainy day because the market is where it is, we made the decision that we would secure a line of credit from the bank and use those funds to satisfy the short term needs.”

He continued, “For example, we had a board meeting last Thursday (12/8). At that board meeting, we were made aware that there was an immediate need for $20,000. I picked up my phone, I called the bank because the account is at my bank, and I said please transfer $20,000 into the operating account of the Humane Society. And that’s what was done. We were told that’s what was needed, and that’s what we found.”

Later someone asks Gonzalez and the other board members, “Why is there no money? I paid out of my pocket so I can get you to run my program, and there’s a grant, and that money’s not there.”

The question is never answered.