PJC Faculty- greedy union

I received this email yesterday:

I am commenting about your article, “PJC FACULTY OUTRAGED OVER CUTS”. The article, very well written by the way, showed just how selfish, and greedy the PJCFA union is.

The faculty says their issue is not about the 2% raise. Every time they voice their opinion the first thing they say is “We should get the 2% raise, it’s in the contract.”

They are worried about their jobs. Well let me tell you, the career service,temporary workers, and staff- that can’t hide under the union umbrella– worry more. There have been many positions/people that have been let go, or positions left empty when personnel leave. There are many more people who have doubled and tripled their work load, to keep things running smooth at the College.

What the PJCFA want Dr. Meadows to do, is fire more hard working employees, so the faculty can get their 2% raise. Oh, by the way, and not fire any of their faculty. Isn’t that some sort of double standard?

Let’s look at it another way, 80% of PJC’s budget goes towards Faculty, and their staff pay only, 80%. The other 20% of the money goes to everything else: Career service pay, electricity, water, repairs, paper, temps, vehicles, gas, everything else!

Everyone knows the nation is in bad times. Many state, county, and city employees are being cut across the state, as we speak. Are the faculty at PJC better than all other employees in the state? I say no.

The classes Dr. Meadows is talking about are classes that very few are interested in, and in most cases never filled. The classes where a teacher is being paid $45,000 a year to teach, maybe six kids. Those classes need to be cut. Unions like this one should be abolished.
