Please stop, Hillary

From former chairman of the Escambia Couny Democratic Executive Committee, Ron Melton:

It’s time Senator Clinton stopped her campaign for the presidency and told Democrats she will work hard to elect Senator Obama president. She’s run a strong, smart and tough campaign but it’s time to hang up the gloves and help unify the Democratic Party and the American people.

After a decisive defeat in North Carolina and a close call in Indiana, there is no way Senator Clinton can win the nomination. Her momentum has withered and may turn to vinegar if she continues to campaign. She should also agree to seat Florida and Michigan delegates for Obama.

If she stands down now she will be seen as an elder stateswoman of the Democratic Party. If she pushes on, it can only divide the party and weaken Senator Obama’s chances to win the presidency, hurt the Democratic Party and damage the bright future of the American people.

Obama is right, we can change this country and the future for our children and grand children. Hillary can help make that happen or turn this historic election into a dismal disaster. Senator Clinton should step down sooner not later.
