Rick's Blog

PNJ continues to push for vote

It’s now a front page issue for the daily newspaper. They want the legislative delegation to reconvene and vote for the Consolidation plan. They offer no analysis of the plan or its process-with possible Sunshine violations. They have done no interviews with those who attended the meetings or the advisory committee sessions, and they have no commentary on the fact the final document was never offered to the public for review and comment before it was sent to the lawmakers.

It was over a month from when the Escambia County Consolidation Study Commission sent its final proposal to the lawmakers (Jan. 15) to when the lawmakers met to vote on the plan (Feb. 22). The ECCSC had ample to time to hold public forums, solicit public comment and make adjustments based on the public comment. They did not. Instead Chairman Ken Bell dissolved the ECCSC on Jan. 15.

The public has been blocked from being included in the discussion of the final plan submitted to the lawmakers.

For those in favor of the plan, it appears the ends justify the means. Threats, intimidation and bullying have been their course of action. I expected better from those wanting to propose such a monumental change on the county and city. Open dialogue and discussion of the plan would have been preferred, instead of attacks on the motives of all those who honestly and sincerely question the proposal. It is even more disappointing that the daily newspaper is also a party to such tactics.

Consolidation is not dead. I am open to a referendum, but only after the public is allowed to have their concerns incorporated into the final document. It is how the democracy is supposed to work—we can not stand for government by fiat.

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