
PNJ Dogan misses the point

The daily newspaper’s local columnist Reginald Dogan analyzed the House District 3 Democratic primary this way:

Wyche’s loss simply validates my theory that a black Democrat can’t win in Northwest Florida.

Wyche lost because the voters won’t vote for a five-time loser. His loss wasn’t because of the color of his skin. Wyche’s loss was because of his lack of character and integrity. He didn’t even live in District 3. Even then, Wyche would have won if the African American community voted better.

Reggie, don’t blame white Gulf Breeze. Look inside the African American community and ask why didn’t you vote for John Wyche.

The truth is John Wyche was a terrible candidate. There are several more quailified and better liked African American leaders than him – who would have had considerable crossover support:

  • Juanita Scott
  • Rodney Jackson
  • Marie Young
  • Hugh King
  • Oliver Darden
  • Jewel-Cannada Wynn
  • Eddie Todd
  • LuTimothy May
  • Ellison Bennett
  • Darnell Sims

A Black Democrat can win in House District 3, but it has to be a good candidate.

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