PNJ gets complaint about money saver overload

I received a copy of the following complaint sent to the Pensacola News Journal:

You must immediately stop littering my yard with multiple copies of the “Pensacola news Journal money saver” that I have not requested nor want. I have forwarded this to the Escambia police dept (through the secure server system under safety concerns ) as this is a sure way to get someone ripped off by multiple copies of your newspaper piling up in my yard.

I also forwarded this to the Independent news so if this practice does enable the break in of someones home with multiple copies of this crap in the yard we have a record of it.

You guys are going to get someone robbed in the event that they are not home for a few weeks. My neighbor has 3 in his yard and the guy keeps throwing them out, even though anyone with half a brain would not do such a thing as it will alert the thieves who is home and who is not.

I have never ordered or requested this item ( or anything from the PNJ …period ) and if it happens again we will go to court as it cant be legal to litter someones property with unwanted items.

I will now call or email all your advertisers to stop using your services.

This must stop now!!!!!! its a waste of ink, trees, electricity, gas, and time for you to assume that we want this spew in our yards

