PNJ obsessed with Amazon

Our once-daily newspaper whose motto is “Out of Touch With You,” the Pensacola News Journal, is obsessed with Amazon this morning.

The computer version of has three stories behind its paywall that are listed on its home page:

Amazon Squeeze: The company’s push into Florida’s tight labor market garners mixed reviews

Amazon seeks to hire disabled workers in Florida to help fill warehouse job openings

Amazon goes through employees at a dizzying rate. Is there room to grow at the company?

There are seven more on the phone app:

Amazon offers Florida students scholarships, work incentives

Amazon driving pressure on other businesses that use delivery

Amazon’s push into Florida’s tight job market earns mixed reviews

Despite high employee turnover rate, Amazon offers room to grow

Will Amazon Flex be the e-commerce giant’s answer to the gig economy?

Amazon needs workers. Here’s what they’re offering.

Amazon targeting Florida disabled workers to fill its job openings

None are written by PNJ reporters. I suspect Gannett is fishing for some Amazon adversting.