Rick's Blog

PNJ watch -six days and counting

still no story on the Escambia County volunteer firefighters.

Since we wrote on the problems, WEAR TV 3 has done at least 3 reports. WUWF radio – 2.  PNJ – 0.

The elderly who depend on the daily newspaper are completely in the dark on the issues surrounding county fire protection. When the commissioners’ advisory committee makes its report in June or the county administration starts asking for more money for fire safety in the 2007-08 budget, the daily newspaper’s readers will have no background on the problems.

Stories on the Ice Pilots are nice and keep their 5000 fans informed. What about the 240,000 county residents that depend on volunteer fire protecton?

6,545 words were written on Thelma Manley/Front Porch.  VFD – 0.

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