Podcast: Dr. Saunders discusses new UWF Strategic Plan

The Florida State University System Board of Governors unanimously approved the University of West Florida’s new five-year strategic plan that maps out UWF’s institutional mission, president’s vision and strategic directions, goals and indicators of success through 2027. UWF President Martha Saunders has the details.


Strategic Direction 1: Student Centered and Focused
1.1 Provide high impact educational and co-curricular learning experiences that inspire, engage, and prepare students to become knowledgeable citizens and successful in their careers and lives.
1.2 Student recruitment and retention programming aligned with the University’s strategic enrollment plan.
1.3 Adequate physical and virtual learning support opportunities for earning degrees and related credentials, including post-graduation.
1.4 Student awareness of available resources for support.

Strategic Direction 2: Employee Success
2.1 Recruit and retain capable employees who support UWF’s mission, values, and strategic directions of service to the institution and the community.
2.2 Provide adequate workforce flexibility to address market needs and demands.

Strategic Direction 3: Exceptional Academic Programming and Scholarship Aligned with State Needs
3.1 Ensure excellent academic programs in areas of strategic importance to the University, region, and state.
3.2 Enhanced student-faculty engagement.

Strategic Direction 4: Community and Economic Engagement
4.1 Enhance the region’s educational opportunities, economic development, health, and environmental sustainability.
4.2 Provide specific workforce needs/credentials for regional and state businesses.
4.3 Ensure mutually beneficial, highly visible cultural, entertainment and recreational events.

Strategic Direction 5: Infrastructure
5.1 Safe, effective, efficient use of physical plant.
5.2 Maintain up-to-date technology.
5.3 Establish UWF as desirable destination for educational, cultural, recreational, and professional events for the community.
5.4 Manage UWF’s natural resources to improve utilization, resilience, and environmental sustainability.

Strategic Direction 6: Operational Excellence
6.1 Effective and timely business and operational services informed by best practices.
6.2 Ensure student and employee safety and continuity of operations from natural disasters or catastrophic events.
6.3 Assure accountability of operations and outcomes to appropriate internal and external stakeholders.

Strategic Direction 7: Culture of Inclusion and Civility
7.1 Maintain a welcoming, inclusive, equitable and respectful environment for employees, students, visitors and service partners.
7.2 Ensure a commitment to open- minded and tolerant civil discourse.