Podcast: NISSI to open center

NISSI, Network of Immediate Services for Survivors International has received $435,000 appropriations and establishes the first, short-term, immediate care facility for survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Northwest Florida.

NISSI is a faith-led, non-profit organization in Pensacola that bridges the gap for survivors of human trafficking between rescue and restoration. During the 2022 Legislative Session Rep. Alex Andrade sponsored an appropriations request for NISSI that would allow the organization to stand up and operate the NISSI Service Center. Sen. Doug Broxson joined Representative Andrade to help get the request over the finish line.

This Center is not only ground zero for survivor resources, but will provide short-term residential care for adult, female survivors of trafficking up to seven days – again with the goal of getting them to a long term option as quickly as possible.

The organization also serves minors and adult men with referrals and transitional services, but not residential at this time. They do have key partnerships to provide residential care if needed for adult men, and minors approved by The Department of Children and Family Services, while receiving their assistance.

The organization plans to host an open house and dedication for key stakeholders and partners in the near future.