Polishing a turd

The Santa Rosa County Commission rejected Team Santa Rosa’s request to let it run the county’s economic development for another six months. On Thursday, the commissioners will decide how they want to proceed. Today’s press release from Team Santa Rosa ignores the rejection. My uncle Sonny used to say, “You can polish a turd for hours, but it’s still a turd.”

Press Release: TEAM Santa Rosa Economic Development Council’s Board Chairman, Dave Hoxeng, presented today an update to the Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners regarding a variety of projects being handled by TEAM staff. The following is a list of the projects updated:

•Project Vortex would bring a call center and 700 jobs to Santa Rosa County this spring. Representatives of the company are continuing to review our area and are asking for tweaks to their incentive package. Santa Rosa County has been identified as a finalist in their search.

•Project Mine Craft is a lead that was generated within the last two weeks and would bring a call center to the Clearwire building. The company has moved rapidly to get TEAM Santa Rosa staff the information needed to identify applicable incentives. While Clearwire is currently the primary site of interest, TEAM is also providing information on other sites in the Metropolitan Statistical Area that would accommodate their needs.

•Project First is a company looking to potentially locate to the Whiting Aviation Park. The company is not on a firm timeline, but offers a significant financial opportunity for Santa Rosa County. TEAM Santa Rosa staff is planning a visit to the company’s corporate office next month.

•Project Kilo is an aerospace and defense company and was a lead from Enterprise Florida for Whiting Aviation Park. It is a company looking for a site to assemble small aircraft and would have approximately 200 employees.

•Project Peach is TEAM’s newest prospect and is also looking at a possible move into the Whiting Aviation Park. We are in the process of acquiring the data needed to identify applicable incentives.

Following Monday’s County Commission meeting, TEAM staff met with the chairman and affirmed their commitment to continue their mission of growing jobs in Santa Rosa County.