Rick's Blog

Poll: Floridians blame Trump for shutdown

In an InWeekly/Political Matrix poll of 840 likely Florida voters conducted between Jan. 19-21, we found the majority blame President Donald Trump for the federal government shutdown.

Responses: 840Total%
President Donald Trump42350.4
Undecided or no opinion566.7

The breakdown by party affiliation shows how divided the state is.

Republicans, Responses 328Total%
President Donald Trump7422.6
Undecided or no opinion206.1
Democrats, Responses: 350
President Donald Trump27378.0
Undecided or no opinion205.7
No Party Affiliation, Responses 162
President Donald Trump7646.9
Undecided or no opinion169.9

A strong percentage (46.4%) believe building a wall is the most important method for securing the U.S.-Mexican border. Hardly any respondents were undecided on how to secure the border.

Which these methods of securing the Mexico-USA border would you support? Your choices are increased drones, more border agents, building a wall, or no action at all. Please choose the most important one.

Responses: 840Total%
Increased drones13015.5
More border agents21826.0
Building a wall39046.4
No action at all8610.2

To end the shutdown should President Trump agree to allow the DACA children, also known as “Dreamers,” to remain in the United States in exchange for $5.4 billion for his border wall?

Responses: 840Total%
No opinion or need more info23027.4


The persons sampled were likely Florida voters with a voting score of 100% for the general election cycles. Data was comprised from the Florida Division of Elections Database as well as from Aristotle Data Services. The voters were called using an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system during the hours of 12-8 p.m. Jan. 19-21. The Margin of Error for this study is +/- 3.5% with a confidence level.

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