Rick's Blog

Poll: Parents want to delay school openings

On Sunday, July 19, Inweekly had The Political Matrix poll 1,000 parents which children in Escambia County public schools.  Nearly two-thirds of them are uncomfortable about Superintendent Malcolm Thomas opening the schools next month.

Total %
Extremely Comfortable 188 18.8%
Very Comfortable 88 8.8%
Comfortable 84 8.4%
360 36.0%
Uncomfortable 182 18.2%
Very Uncomfortable 170 17.0%
Extremely Uncomfortable 288 28.8%
640 64.0%

Mobile County, Ala, has moved to opening its school to Sept. 1st and will hold classes online for the first nine weeks. The poll found that 59.2% of the parents would prefer following Mobile’s lead and delay reopening to September.  Only 30.7% want them to open in August.

Total %
Moving Opening to 9/1 592 59.2%
Opening in August 307 30.7%
Undecided 101 10.1%

The majority felt schools should require students to wear face masks.

Total %
Yes 657 65.7%
No 247 24.7%
Undecided 96 9.6%

Only  about 40% were satisfied with the information the district has supplied them on reopening.

Total %
Extremely Satisfied 134 13.4%
Very Satisfied 101 10.1%
Satisfied 157 15.7%
392 39.2%
Unsatisfied 219 21.9%
Very Unsatisfied 137 13.7%
Extremely Unsatisfied 196 19.6%
552 55.2%
Heard anything from them
56 5.6%



The persons sampled were Escambia County likely voters with a voting score of 85% for the general election cycles. The voters called were those only with landlines and were called using an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system during the hours of 4-8 p.m. on July 19. The Margin of Error for this study is +/- 4.5% with a confidence level of 95%.




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