Rick's Blog

Poll shows uncertainty in direction of Pensacola city government

Nearly five years after Pensacola residents voted to change their form of city government, few believe that the city is going in the right direction, according to a recent telephone poll by the Independent News.

Which direction do you feel Pensacola government is going?
Right 29 %
Wrong 33 %
Unsure 28 %
NR 11 %

However when asked about the overall direction of Pensacola respondents were more positive. The percentage who believed Pensacola is going in the right direction was very similar to the the percentage when we polled in August 2013, 41% -43%, but down considerably since the PYP’s Quality of Life Survey conducted in June 2013.  More people are unsure about the direction than in August.

Which direction do you feel Pensacola is going?
Feb-14 Aug-13 PYP
Right 41 % 43 % 71 %
Wrong 27 % 31 %
Unsure 32 % 25 %

This study was done February 23 and 24 using the Interactive Voice Response method of conducting a telephone survey. 9,203 registered voters of Pensacola were called five different times throughout the two-day period. Throughout those calls, we only had 3,474 answer the telephone with all other calls going to answering machines or not being answered at all. To that end, we resulted in 409 initial surveys and 288 completed surveys giving this survey at 95% confidence level with a margin of error of +/- 5.53%.

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