Rick's Blog

Possible Touart game plan

I’ve been trying to figure out what is the Touart game plan with this last minute move to get on the 12/13 BOCC agenda:

1. The new BOCC chairman is vocal Touart friend and supporter Mike Whitehead. He controls the meetings, agenda and the meeting schedule.
2. December 13 meeting is only a committee meeting. They can not have a final binding vote to terminate Touart unless a special meeting is called by Whitehead. I’m not sure if a majority vote of the BOCC could override the chairman on this.
3. The next regular meeting for the BOCC will not be until January 2008.
4. If the BOCC votes to terminate Touart in Jan. 2008, does his 90-day notice period start over again? If so, then Touart stays on the payroll until April and will then qualify for his state pension.

This is what happens when the county commissioners don’t ask for clarification on what they are approving or accepting. They might as well help Touart get his pension because he will get one way or another. The legal cost to fight a lawsuit is probably more than paying him until April.

It’s time to move on.

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