Praise & Clarification

Dear IN Editor:
I am indebted to IN Weekly, an amazing newspaper that truly covers this community, its issues, and people and to reporter, Mr. Jeremy Morrison.

Morrison’s article, “Island In Time” on 11/27/11 about our area Association 138 Pearl Harbor Survivors and the trip we are raising money to send them back to Pearl for the 70th anniversary of the attack was deep, creative, thoughtful and really captured the essence of what and whom these men are and why we are doing this challenging endeavor. I heard things from the vets that interview day at the Naval Museum I have never heard before and I have known them three years.

They are starting to open up and share these memories with us after sixty-nine long years. Our goal is to give them closure, teach children and anyone everywhere about Pearl Harbor and the history of the attack and what it means to this country. Our planned documentary after the trip will help perpetuate their memories of that day and how it affected these brave selfless men and their family’s lives; hopefully raising awareness that we must all

“Remember Pearl Harbor, Keep America Alert.”
I must beg for one clarification. Since only God knows exactly what and how it was said, I did not have a mixer dropped on my toe by my conga player thus resulting in it being broken. I ran into and slid my foot accidentally under the mixer as we were packing up after the gig. I’ve had four operations on this poor paw; thus affecting my balance, am a bit sleep deprived from the Pearl campaign, press duties-interviews and my fourth semester of grad school as well as singing a few nights a week. I cannot be sure what was said but I hope I wouldn’t have blamed anyone but myself!

Seems a trivial matter not worthy of mentioning since this article should not be about me! Nonetheless, there is a conga player out there whom I care greatly about who is not happy with that section of the story and I understand that. Please print this to clear any misconception. I hope he will accept my apology for any grief this has obviously caused.

Again, we all thank you; the Pearl Veterans, my crew of wonderful volunteers and local citizens who stop us wherever we go and listen, some weeping, to my vets telling their stories. Owed is my deepest gratitude to my entire crew; co-organizer, Lt Col Bill Phillips, USAF (Ret), Watkins Video,, Renee Bookout; the Santa Rosa Insider and the Santa Rosa County School System for making us their Fall Fund Raiser project, Mediacom and American Airlines; and lastly, to my original inspiration for the entire trip; Pearl Harbor Survivor, Mr. George F.Mills, my best friend.

We are far from achieving our donations’ goal but have faith that with God’s help and our wonderful local and national community we will see sunrise as a group, December 7th, 2011 IN Pearl Harbor Hawaii with our deserved Veterans.

To help us; please visit or any Regions Bank.

Keep up the good work, Rick. IN News is ‘INvaluable.’ I use your resources in my papers and research for graduate school constantly and always learn something from each new issue. You have a talented caring staff. Thank you for your care and advocacy on behalf of Pensacola and its people.


Holly Shelton
Pearl Harbor Honor Flight Initiative
