One of the big issues during the 2008 city election season was the city pensions – which are costing about $14 million a year to fund. Councilwoman Diane Mack has tried to get funding for a comprehensive study of pensions and benefits, but they failed at the Monday committee meetings.
Councilwoman Megan Pratt made a motion to have staff study her recommendations on the pensions and leave benefit. It failed to pass by 5-5 vote.
Since the motion wasn’t voted down, Pratt can still try to have it approved tonight at the regular council meeting. She told the IN that should try to do so, but without the leave provision that seemed to be the sticking point.
On pensions, her proposal would adjust spousal benefits and implementing 5 year averaging. The combined impact would save $2.5 million annually in pension costs. (Read more).
Let’s hope the City Council will at least vote to let staff analyze these recommendations. A $2.5M savings is significant and worth reviewing.