Rick's Blog

Presser takeaways

Bay Bluff Park

Mayor Reeves has talked with Conversation Florida.

“They are very excited about this idea. Obviously this is our initial meeting, nothing formalized yet, but we are providing surveys and all of our property information of what the city owns along Scenic Highway Conservation Florida.”

The mayor is committed to keep Bay Bluffs in the public realm forever. “That’s what they do for a living, and they’re very excited about this idea. Where I can see this going down the road is that we can serve this property at the state level with a partnership with Conservation Florida and that we go find funding with that partnership.”

Friendly Airport Towing

The Pensacola International Airport has parking garage maintenance in progress.

“We’re phasing shutdowns in the parking garage for resealing joints,” Reeves said, “The work will stop before Thanksgiving, and it’ll start back up in January.”

The work areas have been coned off, but people have been moving to the cones and parking in the spaces. It’s been captured on security cameras.

“So in case a complaint is out there in the public realm that a car got friendly, towed for free to another location and they can’t find their car, there’s more than likely a chance that we have them on video moving a cone to go into an area that’s closed as a parking garage. So keep that in mind.”

Stoplight Cameras

Next week, Mayor Reeves will present the Police Department’s analysis of city intersections that have had the most crashes and most vehicles running red lights. He said the city has been averaging eight or nine auto crashes a day. The data will help build his case from stoplight cameras at the intersections with most issues.

Later when pressed by the media, he identified the most troublesome intersections over the past 10 years:

“Those are the three, year in and year out have the most crashes,” he said.

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