Rick's Blog

PS Podcast: Mollye Barrows talks about PATS Center cover up

On Pensacola Speaks, I spoke with Pensacola Today investigative report Mollye Barrows and parent Wendy Underhill on the cover up regarding the PATS Center.

Barrows has uncovered district emails that revealed Superintendent Malcolm Thomas has been secretly planning the closure of the PATS Center for months. Underhill talked about the disrespect Thomas has shown the her and other parents when they have addressed the school board at its meetings and the lack of transparency and openness in the his “working group.”

The cardinal rule for a political disaster – It’s the cover-up, not the act, that creates the controversy.

The second rule is to follow the money….which is usually at the root of most cover-ups.

Pensacola Speaks airs on News Talk 1370 WCOA Monday-Friday from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. You can call in and join the discussion – 850-478-3116. For iPhones and iPads, download the WCOA app from iTunes. For Androids, go to Google Play.

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