Rick's Blog

PYP affirms support of maritime stadium

Press Release:

Pensacola Young Professionals today affirmed a decision made in 2006 to support the Community Maritime Park. Kristine Karsten, President of Pensacola Young Professionals, met with vice-presidents, team chairs and members and outlined the history of PYP’s involvement with the Community Maritime Park project and the organizations support of the current design build that includes the multi-use stadium.

The mission of Pensacola Young Professionals is to develop the Pensacola Bay Area as a thriving and dynamic place to live, work and play by making our fellow young professionals and the community as a whole aware of issues shaping the area through proactive civic, social and professional involvement. One of the first issues that PYP addressed was the Community Maritime Park. The organization took a stance in favor of building the park and actively informed and educated other community members about the project. The results were astounding: the 20-39 yr age group tripled its typical voter turnout to support the project.

A petition was started today by Pensacola Young Professionals stating:
“We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act to build the Maritime Park. We support the current design build that includes the multi-use stadium at the Maritime Park.” Karsten signed it and commented “This (the Community Maritime Park with the multi-use stadium) is a great opportunity to change the direction of our community. The long term economic impact will benefit everyone inside and outside the city limits. There are opportunities to be found in every crisis. This is an opportunity that we have to take advantage of. There’s concern over the condition of our beaches due to the oil spill which is impacting us. There needs to be something else to draw tourists and guests to our area. Our future depends on the decisions and the actions that we make today.”

Other’s who signed commented “Do it” and “Need to stop stalling progress”

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