Questions for Touart

1. Who else was at the breakfast table when Mark Clabaugh talked about going to the Sindel home? How often do you dine with him?

2. How long have you known Mr. Clabaugh? What was his role in your campaign? What other jobs has he done for you? Is he a paid consultant for your campaign?

3. Did Mr. Clabaugh call you or anyone from your campaign after he “visited” the Sindel residence? Who did he talk to? What did he say? ….Remember State Attorney’s Office can get Mr. Clabaugh’s cell phone records.

4. What did you plan to do with the information that Mr. Clabaugh obtained by “visiting” the home? Do you understand that she didn’t have to be currently living in the house?

5. In regards to residence, which house did you sleep in last week – Inverness or Innerarity Point?

6. Do you believe in gun and property rights and the right of a home owner to shoot an intruder on their property?

7. Do you support the Community Maritime Park? Clabaugh has blasted the maritime park since 2005. Tim Eagan, who started last fall the petition against the financing plan for the CMP, sat with your supporters at last Monday’s Republican women’s forum. What role does he have in your campaign?

8. When will you apologize to Ms. Sindel?
