Radio: Tania Julin, Mark Rich’s widow

On IN Your Head Radio, I have Tania Julin, the widow of Mark Rich. Rich was one of three missionaries – Mark Rich, Dave Mankins and Rick Tenenoff – abducted on January 31, 1993 by the Colombian terrorist group known as “FARC” from the village of Púcuro, on the Panamanian-Colombian border.

FARC struck again on January 16, 1994 when it raided a New Tribes Mission school near Villavicencio, Colombia, abducting Steve Welsh and Timothy Van Dyke, who were bound in front of their families and taken off into the jungle, according to the complaint. The families witnessed the horrendous attacks, and all five men were later discovered to have been murdered by FARC, the complaint alleges.

Listen from 1-2 p.m. on

Julin and the other widows of five Florida missionaries who were kidnapped and murdered by FARC filed a lawsuit against Chiquita Brands alleging the banana company provided guns and large quantities of cash to FARC before and during the time their husbands were abducted and murder.
